
21 Theology BOOK LAUNCHES, LECTURES AND SEMINARS Over recent months, two major books on religion and theology were launched at Trinity, and a number of well-attended events, hosted by the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Theological School. In July, the Rt Revd Kay Goldsworthy, AO, Bishop of Gippsland (a Trinity alumna who was recently announced as Archbishop-elect of Perth – Australia’s first female Archbishop), launched Dorothy Lee’s new book, The Gospels Speak: Addressing Life’s Questions (Paulist Press, New Jersey). The Revd Professor Canon Dorothy Lee has been Dean of the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Theological School since 2011, where she is Frank Woods Distinguished Professor of New Testament. Before the launch, a large gathering heard Dorothy speak at a seminar discussing the ideas she pursued while writing her book. Nola Firth’s biography, The Armour of Light: The Life of Reverend Doctor Barry Marshall, was launched in May by the Rt Revd Andrew Curnow. As noted in an article in last year’s edition of Trinity Today, Nola used the extensive archives at ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ as the basis of several chapters in the story of one of Trinity’s most revered former students. Barry Marshall was instrumental in introducing new ideas and practices during his subsequent years as College Chaplain (1961–1969). Then on 9 August, a few days before the 47th anniversary of Revd Marshall’s death, Professor Peter Sherlock, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Divinity, presented the 2017 Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture in the Craig Auditorium of the Gateway building. Peter’s lecture, ‘Why Australia Needs Theology’, examined the past and present place of Christian theological scholarship in Australian politics and society, showing how theology is almost entirely discredited as a result of the failure of the churches in a wide range of areas, most notably the sexual abuse of children. He proposed that Australia still needs theology, and explored how theological scholarship might contribute in the future. Former lecturer in the Theological School, Dr Meg Warner, and the Revd Canon Richard Burridge, Professor of Biblical Interpretation at King’s College London, presented a day-long Biblical Studies program in August titled, ‘Re-visioning Belief: Interpreting the Bible in Today’s Fractured World’. The program dealt with the difficult issues facing us today, which often feel like being faced with an unpalatable choice between inflexible traditional demands or accepting that ‘anything goes’ in modern society. Meg and Richard spoke about finding a ‘middle way’, of being faithful to the Bible while serving our people and culture. Small groups then workshopped various issues of the modern world from the perspective of Scripture. The Rt Revd Andrew Curnow (TCTS 1968) launches Dr Nola Firth’s biography, The Armour of Light: The Life of Reverend Doctor Barry Marshall. The Rt Revd Kay Goldsworthy (TC 1981) and Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee at the launch of Dorothy’s latest book at the Old Warden’s Lodge. Barry Marshall was instrumental in introducing new ideas and practices during his subsequent years as College Chaplain. BY PETER CAMPBELL