
Clubs & Societies

Trinity  College students

Let’s face it, you wouldn’t choose to live at college if you didn’t like getting involved in plenty of activities and having fun. At ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½, we have many clubs, societies, committees and associations that you can join.

Battle of Bands

Whether you’re into strutting your stuff on stage in a musical, conquering mountains with the alpine club, or refining your journo skills by writing for the college magazine, there is something for everyone at Trinity. We have more than 30 clubs, societies and associations to let our students build on existing passions and discover new interests. Everyone is encouraged to have a go, so ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ is the perfect place to give something new a try.

The clubs, societies and associations on offer can vary from year to year, but here's an example of some of the groups you may be able to join. Some have a small annual fee to help fund events and activities, but it's worth it and membership often gets you some awesome discounts.

TCAC: our core student association

The ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Associated Clubs (TCAC) is an incorporated student association that represents all our residents. Eight committee members are elected annually by the students. These members are jointly responsible for organising and conducting a variety of cultural, sporting and social activities that foster camaraderie within our community (and are always plain old good fun!).

The Academic Committee

The Academic Committee’s ('The Committee') mission is to provide and expand opportunities for academic enrichment and support; specifically, to strengthen the academic culture at ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½. The Committee aims to work with students and staff to ensure we are delivering timely and attractive offerings and events to the student body. The Committee serves all members of the Residential College at ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½, the University of Melbourne.

Arts Society

The Arts Society has committee members for dance, drama, music and visual arts. 

Ball Committee

Every year, Trinity puts on one of the best balls (if not the best ball) of all the colleges at the University of Melbourne and this committee drives it.

Beer Budlay

This club runs our most successful parties and makes sure events are as fun and inclusive as possible.

Billiards Room

We have a full-sized billiards table, billiards/snooker balls, cues and a foosball table, so this committee makes the most it. Events may include billiards and darts competitions and parties with discounted prices for members.

Students playing billiards

Buddies (Main O-Week)

This team of friendly faces guides and supports new students during O-Week.

Bulpadok (literary journal)

Bulpadok is published annually and anyone from within the college is invited to contribute anything from scholarly essays to poems and creative prose to photography and art. The CLH Pullar Prize is awarded annually for the best item to appear in the Bulpadok. See past editions of the

Bursary Coordinators

Our students help out in the kitchen and dining hall throughout the year and this team coordinates and oversees rosters.

Buttery Bar

The Buttery is located in the Junior Common Room and provides a welcoming social space for residents to enjoy.


The Candystripes are a female a capella group. This small ensemble generally sings contemporary pop and jazz and performs at various functions and events.

Candies and Tiger Tones

College Photographers

Our resident photographers snap pics at events and sporting competitions for use in Trinity publications, social media and our website.

Cooking and Dining Society

This is your chance to cook (and eat) throughout the year. Events include cooking tutes, guest chefs, dinner parties and a ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ MasterChef competition. This club also knows where to find the best coffee on campus.

Dialectic Society

The Dialectic Society was founded in 1877, making it Australia’s oldest collegiate society. All members of ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ resident and non-resident are automatically members. The club encourages oratory and literary culture through intercollegiate and comedy debates, public speaking and an essay writing competition.

The Edward Rowden White Collection (ER White Club)

This club is in charge of purchasing art for ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½. Previous works include those by photographer Bill Henson, painter Jenny Watson, sculptor Pamela Irving, Chinese-Australian artist Guan Wei and Australia’s leading photo media artist, Anne Zahalka.

Sustainability Committee

This group helps ensure a sustainable future. They investigate and implement solutions to help us save water and recycle, and coordinate events like Earth Hour and Clean Up Australia Day.

Fleur-de-Lys (yearbook)

The Fleur-de-Lys magazine is published each year by our students and captures the experiences of residents over their past year through words and images. It's compiled by a team of editors throughout the year. See past editions of the

Games Society

The motto of this club is ludo ingeniose, ludo iustus: play smart, play fair. Proud keepers of the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ games cupboard, this society knows Monopoly, Scrabble, Articulate and many more. They also offer relaxing games nights in the Junior Common Room, as well as video game challenges.

Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

This committee supports LGBTIQA+ students at ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ through a range of initiatives and events.

Kumergaii Yulendji

Our First Nations committee was gifted its beautiful Boon Wurrung name by Aunty Carolyn Briggs, a Boon Wurrung elder and important member of our Trinity community. Kumergaii Yulendji means ‘knowledge arising’.

This committee promotes and empowers First Nations students’ voices and experiences within the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ community. Kumergaii Yulendji meets regularly to plan student-led events, including events that coincide with special dates such as Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.

Musical Committee

This committee produces the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ musical each year. The cast and chorus is drawn from the Trinity community (students and tutors), and members of the wider community are invited to get involved too. The musical gives our budding musicians, actors, costume designers and set designers a chance to shine.


Outreach Committee

Volunteering is an important part of the Trinity experience and this committee is all about getting everyone involved. Students participate in community service, organise volunteering initiatives and raise money for community causes.

The Respect/Inclusivity Committee

The Respect/Inclusivity Committee aims to identify and address important topics that impact young people at college and provide information and resources to enable a safer and more educated community. The Respect/Inclusivity Committee addresses topics such as: cultural diversity, safe relationships, neurodiversity, and more.

Spirit Leaders (Jesters)

Headed by the mascot of Trinity, our Jesters boost support at sporting and cultural events.

Trinity International Students Committee (TISC)

This committee helps international students settle into their new home and way of life and gives our local students an opportunity to learn about other cultures. The bringing together of cultures makes Trinity what it is – a fun, supportive and inclusive community.

TISC night market

Trinity Recreational Alpine Club (TRAC)

The TRAC is for lovers of the outdoors. Activities include paintball, go-karting and weekend ski trips.

Uniforms and Merchandise Committee

This crew organises our Trinity student merch, such as jerseys and scarves, in our trademark candystripe colours.

Wine Cellar

From tastings to tours, the Wine Cellar is one of the oldest clubs at Trinity, and facilitates social events where members learn about and enjoy wine. 

Wellbeing Committee

This group keeps everyone happy and well, running initiatives like yoga sessions and 'bro chats' that give the boys an opportunity to talk about all things mental health. They've even organised a petting zoo!

Fitzstaneith Polling Agency

This club is responsible for keeping students up-to-date on College-life.

Literature Coterie

The Literature Coterie is a book club that meets fortnightly and is dedicated to sharing and appreciating literature and film.

But that's not all, we have plenty of sports and fitness opportunities too.